var/cache/dev/twig/fc/fcd54ca2f00d76cc068926d614f34dcdaebfc0014f8b3d2505668e9e8f07d7c9.php line 71

Open in your IDE?
  1. <?php
  2. use Twig\Environment;
  3. use Twig\Error\LoaderError;
  4. use Twig\Error\RuntimeError;
  5. use Twig\Markup;
  6. use Twig\Sandbox\SecurityError;
  7. use Twig\Sandbox\SecurityNotAllowedTagError;
  8. use Twig\Sandbox\SecurityNotAllowedFilterError;
  9. use Twig\Sandbox\SecurityNotAllowedFunctionError;
  10. use Twig\Source;
  11. use Twig\Template;
  12. /* component/product/list/table.html.twig */
  13. class __TwigTemplate_6c2c8d0d97d077ce5c93afde903359af6337713a8e5a1ea0b1ce8f092cf17d34 extends \Twig\Template
  14. {
  15.     public function __construct(Environment $env)
  16.     {
  17.         parent::__construct($env);
  18.         $this->parent false;
  19.         $this->blocks = [
  20.         ];
  21.     }
  22.     protected function doDisplay(array $context, array $blocks = [])
  23.     {
  24.         $__internal_085b0142806202599c7fe3b329164a92397d8978207a37e79d70b8c52599e33e $this->env->getExtension("Symfony\\Bundle\\WebProfilerBundle\\Twig\\WebProfilerExtension");
  25.         $__internal_085b0142806202599c7fe3b329164a92397d8978207a37e79d70b8c52599e33e->enter($__internal_085b0142806202599c7fe3b329164a92397d8978207a37e79d70b8c52599e33e_prof = new \Twig\Profiler\Profile($this->getTemplateName(), "template""component/product/list/table.html.twig"));
  26.         $__internal_319393461309892924ff6e74d6d6e64287df64b63545b994e100d4ab223aed02 $this->env->getExtension("Symfony\\Bridge\\Twig\\Extension\\ProfilerExtension");
  27.         $__internal_319393461309892924ff6e74d6d6e64287df64b63545b994e100d4ab223aed02->enter($__internal_319393461309892924ff6e74d6d6e64287df64b63545b994e100d4ab223aed02_prof = new \Twig\Profiler\Profile($this->getTemplateName(), "template""component/product/list/table.html.twig"));
  28.         // line 1
  29.         $context["enableCompare"] = $this->getAttribute((isset($context["client_config"]) ? $context["client_config"] : $this->getContext($context"client_config")), "isTrue", [=> "PROD_COMPARE"], "method");
  30.         // line 2
  31.         $context["designTemplate"] = $this->getAttribute($this->getAttribute((isset($context["partner_config"]) ? $context["partner_config"] : $this->getContext($context"partner_config")), "getPartnerView", [], "method"), "getEshopDesignTemplate", [], "method");
  32.         // line 3
  33.         echo "<div class=\"listBoxed\">
  34.     ";
  35.         // line 5
  36.         if (((isset($context["paginator"]) || array_key_exists("paginator"$context)) && $this->getAttribute((isset($context["partner_config"]) ? $context["partner_config"] : $this->getContext($context"partner_config")), "showPaginator", [], "method"))) {
  37.             // line 6
  38.             echo "        ";
  39.             $this->loadTemplate("component/shared/paginator/default.html.twig""component/product/list/table.html.twig"6)->display($context);
  40.             // line 7
  41.             echo "    ";
  42.         }
  43.         // line 8
  44.         echo "
  45.     ";
  46.         // line 9
  47.         if ((isset($context["paginator"]) || array_key_exists("paginator"$context))) {
  48.             // line 10
  49.             echo "        ";
  50.             $this->loadTemplate("component/shared/paginator/extended.html.twig""component/product/list/table.html.twig"10)->display($context);
  51.             // line 11
  52.             echo "    ";
  53.         }
  54.         // line 12
  55.         echo "
  56.     ";
  57.         // line 13
  58.         if ($this->env->getExtension('EshopBundle\Twig\EshopDesignTemplateExtension')->isKutil()) {
  59.             // line 14
  60.             echo "        <div class=\"productList productList--table\">
  61.             ";
  62.             // line 15
  63.             $this->loadTemplate("/component/product/list/inner/table_inner.html.twig""component/product/list/table.html.twig"15)->display($context);
  64.             // line 16
  65.             echo "        </div>
  66.     ";
  67.         } else {
  68.             // line 18
  69.             echo "        <div class=\"productList productList--rows\">
  70.         <table class=\"cCube table table--productList table-hover\">
  71.             <thead class=\"hidden-md-down\">
  72.                 <tr>
  73.                     ";
  74.             // line 22
  75.             if ((((isset($context["favorites"]) || array_key_exists("favorites"$context)) && ((isset($context["favorites"]) ? $context["favorites"] : $this->getContext($context"favorites")) === true)) || $this->env->getExtension('EshopBundle\Twig\EshopDesignTemplateExtension')->isButterfly())) {
  76.                 // line 23
  77.                 echo "                        <th class=\"image text-xs-center\">";
  78.                 echo twig_escape_filter($this->env$this->getAttribute((isset($context["translator"]) ? $context["translator"] : $this->getContext($context"translator")), "getValue", [=> "PRODUCT_TYPE_IMAGE"=> "Obrázek"], "method"), "html"nulltrue);
  79.                 echo "</th>
  80.                     ";
  81.             }
  82.             // line 25
  83.             echo "                    <th class=\"sku text-xs-center\">";
  84.             echo twig_escape_filter($this->env$this->getAttribute((isset($context["translator"]) ? $context["translator"] : $this->getContext($context"translator")), "getValue", [=> "PRODUCTS_SKU"], "method"), "html"nulltrue);
  85.             echo "</th>
  86.                     <th class=\"title\">";
  87.             // line 26
  88.             echo twig_escape_filter($this->env$this->getAttribute((isset($context["translator"]) ? $context["translator"] : $this->getContext($context"translator")), "getValue", [=> "NAZEV"], "method"), "html"nulltrue);
  89.             echo "</th>
  90.                     <th class=\"stock text-xs-center\">";
  91.             // line 27
  92.             echo twig_escape_filter($this->env$this->getAttribute((isset($context["translator"]) ? $context["translator"] : $this->getContext($context"translator")), "getValue", [=> "SKLAD"], "method"), "html"nulltrue);
  93.             echo "</th>
  94.                     ";
  95.             // line 28
  96.             if ($this->getAttribute((isset($context["settings"]) ? $context["settings"] : $this->getContext($context"settings")), "priceIncVat", [])) {
  97.                 // line 29
  98.                 echo "                        <th class=\"price text-xs-right\">";
  99.                 echo twig_escape_filter($this->env$this->getAttribute((isset($context["translator"]) ? $context["translator"] : $this->getContext($context"translator")), "getValue", [=> "CENA_BEZ_DPH"], "method"), "html"nulltrue);
  100.                 echo "</th>
  101.                         <th class=\"priceVat text-xs-right\">";
  102.                 // line 30
  103.                 echo twig_escape_filter($this->env$this->getAttribute((isset($context["translator"]) ? $context["translator"] : $this->getContext($context"translator")), "getValue", [=> "CENA_S_DPH"], "method"), "html"nulltrue);
  104.                 echo "</th>
  105.                     ";
  106.             } else {
  107.                 // line 32
  108.                 echo "                        <th class=\"priceVat text-xs-right\">";
  109.                 echo twig_escape_filter($this->env$this->getAttribute((isset($context["translator"]) ? $context["translator"] : $this->getContext($context"translator")), "getValue", [=> "CENA_BEZ_DPH"], "method"), "html"nulltrue);
  110.                 echo "</th>
  111.                         <th class=\"price text-xs-right\">";
  112.                 // line 33
  113.                 echo twig_escape_filter($this->env$this->getAttribute((isset($context["translator"]) ? $context["translator"] : $this->getContext($context"translator")), "getValue", [=> "CENA_S_DPH"], "method"), "html"nulltrue);
  114.                 echo "</th>
  115.                     ";
  116.             }
  117.             // line 35
  118.             echo "                        ";
  119.             if ((isset($context["enableCompare"]) ? $context["enableCompare"] : $this->getContext($context"enableCompare"))) {
  120.                 // line 36
  121.                 echo "                        <th class=\"compare text-xs-center\">";
  122.                 echo twig_escape_filter($this->env$this->getAttribute((isset($context["translator"]) ? $context["translator"] : $this->getContext($context"translator")), "getValue", [=> "POROVNAT"=> "Porovnat"], "method"), "html"nulltrue);
  123.                 echo "</th>
  124.                         ";
  125.             }
  126.             // line 38
  127.             echo "                    <th></th>
  128.                 </tr>
  129.             </thead>
  130.             <tbody>
  131.             ";
  132.             // line 42
  133.             $this->loadTemplate("/component/product/list/inner/table_inner.html.twig""component/product/list/table.html.twig"42)->display($context);
  134.             // line 43
  135.             echo "            </tbody>
  136.         </table>
  137.     </div>
  138.     ";
  139.         }
  140.         // line 47
  141.         echo "
  142.     ";
  143.         // line 48
  144.         if (((isset($context["paginator"]) || array_key_exists("paginator"$context)) && $this->getAttribute((isset($context["partner_config"]) ? $context["partner_config"] : $this->getContext($context"partner_config")), "showPaginator", [], "method"))) {
  145.             // line 49
  146.             echo "        ";
  147.             $this->loadTemplate("component/shared/paginator/default.html.twig""component/product/list/table.html.twig"49)->display($context);
  148.             // line 50
  149.             echo "    ";
  150.         }
  151.         // line 51
  152.         echo "</div>
  153. ";
  155.         $__internal_085b0142806202599c7fe3b329164a92397d8978207a37e79d70b8c52599e33e->leave($__internal_085b0142806202599c7fe3b329164a92397d8978207a37e79d70b8c52599e33e_prof);
  157.         $__internal_319393461309892924ff6e74d6d6e64287df64b63545b994e100d4ab223aed02->leave($__internal_319393461309892924ff6e74d6d6e64287df64b63545b994e100d4ab223aed02_prof);
  158.     }
  159.     public function getTemplateName()
  160.     {
  161.         return "component/product/list/table.html.twig";
  162.     }
  163.     public function isTraitable()
  164.     {
  165.         return false;
  166.     }
  167.     public function getDebugInfo()
  168.     {
  169.         return array (  160 => 51,  157 => 50,  154 => 49,  152 => 48,  149 => 47,  143 => 43,  141 => 42,  135 => 38,  129 => 36,  126 => 35,  121 => 33,  116 => 32,  111 => 30,  106 => 29,  104 => 28,  100 => 27,  96 => 26,  91 => 25,  85 => 23,  83 => 22,  77 => 18,  73 => 16,  71 => 15,  68 => 14,  66 => 13,  63 => 12,  60 => 11,  57 => 10,  55 => 9,  52 => 8,  49 => 7,  46 => 6,  44 => 5,  40 => 3,  38 => 2,  36 => 1,);
  170.     }
  171.     /** @deprecated since 1.27 (to be removed in 2.0). Use getSourceContext() instead */
  172.     public function getSource()
  173.     {
  174.         @trigger_error('The '.__METHOD__.' method is deprecated since version 1.27 and will be removed in 2.0. Use getSourceContext() instead.'E_USER_DEPRECATED);
  175.         return $this->getSourceContext()->getCode();
  176.     }
  177.     public function getSourceContext()
  178.     {
  179.         return new Source("{% set enableCompare = client_config.isTrue('PROD_COMPARE') %}
  180. {% set designTemplate = partner_config.getPartnerView().getEshopDesignTemplate() %}
  181. <div class=\"listBoxed\">
  182.     {% if paginator is defined and partner_config.showPaginator() %}
  183.         {% include 'component/shared/paginator/default.html.twig' %}
  184.     {% endif %}
  185.     {% if paginator is defined %}
  186.         {% include 'component/shared/paginator/extended.html.twig' %}
  187.     {% endif %}
  188.     {% if isDesignKutil() %}
  189.         <div class=\"productList productList--table\">
  190.             {% include '/component/product/list/inner/table_inner.html.twig' %}
  191.         </div>
  192.     {% else %}
  193.         <div class=\"productList productList--rows\">
  194.         <table class=\"cCube table table--productList table-hover\">
  195.             <thead class=\"hidden-md-down\">
  196.                 <tr>
  197.                     {% if (favorites is defined and favorites is same as (true)) or isDesignButterfly() %}
  198.                         <th class=\"image text-xs-center\">{{ translator.getValue('PRODUCT_TYPE_IMAGE', 'Obrázek') }}</th>
  199.                     {% endif %}
  200.                     <th class=\"sku text-xs-center\">{{ translator.getValue('PRODUCTS_SKU') }}</th>
  201.                     <th class=\"title\">{{ translator.getValue('NAZEV') }}</th>
  202.                     <th class=\"stock text-xs-center\">{{ translator.getValue('SKLAD') }}</th>
  203.                     {% if settings.priceIncVat %}
  204.                         <th class=\"price text-xs-right\">{{ translator.getValue('CENA_BEZ_DPH') }}</th>
  205.                         <th class=\"priceVat text-xs-right\">{{ translator.getValue('CENA_S_DPH') }}</th>
  206.                     {% else %}
  207.                         <th class=\"priceVat text-xs-right\">{{ translator.getValue('CENA_BEZ_DPH') }}</th>
  208.                         <th class=\"price text-xs-right\">{{ translator.getValue('CENA_S_DPH') }}</th>
  209.                     {% endif %}
  210.                         {% if enableCompare %}
  211.                         <th class=\"compare text-xs-center\">{{ translator.getValue('POROVNAT', 'Porovnat') }}</th>
  212.                         {% endif %}
  213.                     <th></th>
  214.                 </tr>
  215.             </thead>
  216.             <tbody>
  217.             {% include '/component/product/list/inner/table_inner.html.twig' %}
  218.             </tbody>
  219.         </table>
  220.     </div>
  221.     {% endif %}
  222.     {% if paginator is defined and partner_config.showPaginator() %}
  223.         {% include 'component/shared/paginator/default.html.twig' %}
  224.     {% endif %}
  225. </div>
  226. ""component/product/list/table.html.twig""/home/www/vac-star-b2c15/custom/src/EshopBundle/Resources/views/component/product/list/table.html.twig");
  227.     }
  228. }